SKY Newsletter 29
About SKY Project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)


SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.

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Professor Yamada and Associate Professor Otchia attended the 2nd International TVET Conference


 エチオピア国科学・高等教育省、ドイツ国際協力公社(GIZ)及びノルウェー援助庁(NORAD)が主催する第2回国際TVET会議が7月29から31日にかけてアディスアベバで開催されました。GIZはエチオピアへのTVET協力としてThe Ethio-German Sustainable Training and Education Programme (STEP)を実施しており、その一環として本会議が催されました。SKYプロジェクトメンバーの山田肖子教授とクリスチャンオチア准教授が本会議に招待され、エチオピアにおけるTVETについての提言を行いました。
 山田教授は「Spotlight on Skill Needs: Responding to the Demand in order to Bridge the Gaps」という題目で、SKYプロジェクトの成果に基づく発表を行いました。オチア准教授は「Managing TVET Systems to Meet the Demand for Changing Skills and Trends」および「Financing TVET: Options and Challenges」に関するセッションでディスカッサントを務めました。本会議は、政府関係者、TVETエキスパート、多国籍企業の方など、官民双方から合わせて約250名ものTVET関係者が参加し、互いの意見を交換する場となりました。

 The 2nd International Technical and Vocational Education and Training Conference was held in Addis Ababa from July 29 to 31 under the sponsorship of Ethiopian Ministry of Science and Higher Education, German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) and Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). GIZ currently is implementing the The Ethio-German Sustainable Training and Education Program (STEP) and as the part of the program, GIZ held the conference to exchange opinions among TVET stakeholders. SKY project members Professor Shoko Yamada and Associate Professor Christian Otchia were invited to this conference.
 Professor Yamada gave a presentation based on achievement of SKY project in the session entitled “Spotlight on Skill Needs: Responding to the Demand in order to Bridge the Gaps”. Associate professor Otchia acted as a discussant in panel discussions entitled “Managing TVET Systems to Meet the Demand for Changing Skills and Trends” and “Financing TVET: Options and Challenges” . The conference consisted of 250 participants including government officials, TVET experts and multinational companies.

Hot Issues of Skills Development in the World

The 4th Industrial Revolution and Skill Development in Developing Countries



Yujiro Yamazaki

 Technological innovation by utilizing big data, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) is called the 4th industrial revolution, and it has become a hot topic all over the world. With this innovation, it is obvious that many forms of working will be substituted by the Internet and machines including artificial intelligence. It has been pointed out that changes in work style will occur not only in developed countries that pioneer technological innovation, but also in developing countries, and as evidence the changes are coming, a delivery system using drones is already in use in Rwanda (Kariuki, 2018). Considering these changes in work style, the skills which are required in society are also changing.

 According to the World Development Report 2016, with the introduction of new technology, simple skills have been replaced by machines, and complex skills are now being sought. It has been pointed out that skill-based occupations such as hairdressers will not be automated even as technological innovation is advanced in the future (World Bank, 2016). In addition, the impact of technological innovation is minimal for the low-income class, but instead is particularly felt by the middle class with many people engaged in tasks that require standardized skills. This will lead to an issue called the “hollowing out of the middle class” which is a division of the middle class when responding to technological innovation in the future (Harvey, 2017).
 On the other hand, while there are concerns about changes in required skills, new approaches have the potential to promote the improvement of human resource development in developing countries in the future. One of the reasons people fail to find a job even after the acquisition of skills is a lack of opportunities to obtain information about jobs (Goldin, 2014). In response to that challenge, Big Data has the potential to reduce the risks associated with job hunting. One example is that Souktel's online job matching service is widespread in developing countries. Souktel's provides an online service that introduces suitable jobs to applicant. The service contributes to creating an opportunity to find a work that suits the applicant’s characteristics and it has attracted the attention of the World Bank and ILO. In fact, online CVs used in the service are limited displaying applicants’ skills since the CV requires applicant to indicate their schooling levels in terms of a measurement of their skills. This has the potential to prevent skill mismatch to the extent it has enough items which can describe specific skills. In particular, refinement of skill measurement is important because skills acquired by apprentices cannot be captured just by knowing one’s school level.
 The progress of the 4th Industrial Revolution will promote collaboration with technology and machines, where what kind of skills one has will become increasingly important. Likewise, technology can contribute to visualizing the detail of an individual’s skills, and it is important to consider how to adapt technological innovation to the context of developing countries.

 ビッグデータ、人工知能、IoTによる第4次産業革命は現在世界各国で話題となっており、この技術革新により、インターネット、人工知能を用いた機械による代替が進み、労働形態が変化していることは自明となっています。労働形態の変革は、技術革新を先駆的に行う先進国のみならず、途上国においても起こることが指摘されており、事実現在においてもルワンダのドローンによる配達など、変革の準備は整っているといえます (Kariuki, 2018)。このように労働形態が変化していくことは、社会で活躍するにあたり求められているスキルも変動しています。
 世界開発報告書2016によると、新しい技術の導入により、単純な定型化されたスキルは機械に代替され、複雑なスキルがもとめられるようになっている中、美容院など、技能偏向型の職業は今後技術革新が進んでも自動化されないと指摘されています (World Bank, 2016)。また、技術革新による影響は低所得層ではなく、特に定型化されるスキルを要する仕事に従事する人が多い中間層であり、今後中間層が技術革新に対応していくか、ついていけずに振り落とされるかという中所得層の空洞化が課題となります (Harvey, 2017)。
 このように求められるスキルの変化による懸念の一方で、技術革新を駆使した新たな取り組みは、今後の途上国における人材育成に潜在性があります。途上国においてスキルを得ても、それを活かすための仕事に就けない理由の一つに、情報を得る機会不足が挙げれらています (Goldin, 2014)。その課題に対して、ビッグデータはスキルギャップを縮小する為の可能性があります。その一つとして、Souktelが行うオンラインでの仕事のマッチングサービスが途上国で普及していることが挙げられます。このSouktelが行う取り組みはオンラインで登録者に適した仕事を紹介するサービスであり、自分の特性に合う仕事を見つける機会を創出することに寄与しております(Goldin, 2014: World Bank, 2016) 。この取り組みは仕事探しの機会創出としていますが、まだCVの項目が学校教育レベル、希望する職種といったものに限られています。個人の持つスキルをより詳細に記述することができれば、スキルミスマッチを防ぐことが見込まれ、特に徒弟制で学んだ人たちは学校教育レベルでは捉えきれないので一層有用となります。

Goldin, N. (2014) Addressing the Youth Employment Challenge: Beyond the Skills Gap. The Center for Strategic and International Studies
Kariuki, H. (2018) Africa is Prepared for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Medium.
Harvey, R. (2017) The ‘fourth industrial revolution’: potential and risks for Africa. The Conversation.
World Bank (2016)  World Development Report 2016: Digital DividendsWorld Bank: Washington, DC.



SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.

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